01/ Education
1998. Ewha Womans University (Engineering-Environmental Engineering)
2000. Ewha Womans University (Master of Engineering - Environmental Engineering)
2003. Clarkson Univ. (Doctor of Engineering - Environmental and Environmental Engineering)
02/ Experience
2003.12-2005.2 Postdoctoral researcher at Syracuse University and Hubbard Brook Research Foundation
03/ Award
1. Air Pollution Educational and Research Grant - The Mid-Atlantic States Section of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA), 2001-2002
2. Young Scientist Award – Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, 2010
3. A Citation from Ministry of Environment, 2018
04/ Research Interests
Dr. Han’s research interests include the sources, transport, transformations and fate of fine particles, organic chemicals, and metals including mercury in a wide array of environmental systems. Of particular interest is pollutant exchange (wet deposition, dry deposition and air-surface/air-water exchange) between earth's surface and the atmosphere.