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81 | Research Trend Analysis of Atmospheric Science in Korea Based on Keywords Used in the Journal of the Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment (KOSAE) during 1985~2022 | Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment | 2023-10 |
80 | Characteristics of Ionic and Carbonaceous Constituents of PM2.5 Collected Near the Industrial Complexes and Charcoal Manufacturing Facility in Wonju, Korea | Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment | 2023-04 |
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Comparable Study on the Chemical Characteristics of PM2.5 Measured in Chuncheon and Wonju, Gangwon-do | Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment | 2023-04 |
78 | Characteristics of Atmospheric Particulate Organic Carbon and PAHs in Chuncheon during Cold Season | Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment | 2022-12 |
77 | PM2.5-bound Inorganic and Nonpolar Organic Compounds in Chuncheon, Korea | Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment | 2022-12 |
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